English I

In English I, freshmen spend time reading, writing, and learning the rules of grammar.  We begin the year with an intense study of the basic paragraph and short essay.  After oodles of creative writings, we move on to the larger research paper.  During this time, we also begin our study of literature.  We read a little of everything from Edgar Allan Poe to good ol' William Shakespeare.  We focus on all genres of literature including poetry and prose as well as drama. Our drama selection is none other than the famous Romeo and Juliet.  

When the second semester rolls around, we begin our grammar unit.  We usually spend the entire third quarter learning the whys and ways of our language.  Students spend most of their in-class time doing "frames," our form of study.  We also use worksheets and other activities to reinforce and practice our understanding of the rules of the English language.  From there, we spend a little more time writing and doing literature.  In the spring, we read a short novel called The Giver, by Lois Lowry.  If time permits, we finish up by comparing and contrasting the older and newer movie versions of "Cheaper By the Dozen."  This usually involves a short paper assignment.



"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other word would smell as sweet."

--From Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2)   



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