Classroom Rules and Expectations

Grading Policy

~The school's grading policy and late work policy will be used for assignments, tests, quizzes, projects, etc.

~If you know that you will be absent from school ahead of time, please try to get your assignments before then.  Feel free to turn in any of those assignments before you leave also! 


Attitude & Behavior

~Come to class every day with a positive and willing attitude! An open mind is a great thing.  Complaining will not be tolerated.   

~Always put forth your best effort!  Grades are achieved; not received, so be sure to do your best at all times.

~Remember, you are in high school now.  You need to act and behave like young adults.  Whether you think you are or not, you are a role model for younger students.  Display behavior that you want them to look up to and admire.

~Bad days happen!  If you are having one of those days, I do understand.  Please just inform me before class that you are having a bad day, and I will try to leave you alone during class discussions.  This is not to be abused.

~Class participation is a must.  It's time for you to come out of your shells if you haven't already! Don't be afraid to voice your opinion.  We want to hear what you have to say.

~Have fun!  If you walk into my room with the attitude that you "have" to be here and it won't be any fun, then you are probably right.  However, if you approach English with a willing attitude, it might just be fun!  Go wild!  Learn something new!

"Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall." - Oliver Goldsmith


1.  Raise your hand to be acknowledged.  

2. Ask to leave the room.  You must sign out after getting permission to leave.  

3.  Respect others and yourself.

4.  Be polite!  Manners are a must.

5.  If you take something out, please put it back neatly where you found it.

6.  Do not speak while I am speaking or while another student is speaking.  It is terribly rude.

7.  Complaining is not allowed!

8.  Be honest.  (Cheating falls under this rule.)

9.  Do your best!  

10. Feel free to have water in class.  Pop and juice may be allowed only by teacher permission.

~Breaking the rules will result in writes or loss of privileges (See student handbook).

~All rules and guidelines are subject to change at the teacher's discretion.

**If you ever have a question on an assignment or project, please do not hesitate to contact me at home.  Please just do so before 9:00pm.  I am also available before and after school if you need.  Please don't hesitate to ask for help!  Chances are good that if you have a questions about something, others do too!  Feel free to drop a note on my desk if that makes you feel more comfortable. 

"Never look down on anybody unless you're helping him up."-Jesse Jackson



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